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COVID 19 Update

We have been given authorization by our Bishop Rev. Mark Seitz to start re-opening the parish.

We are now able to resume gatherings at 25% capacity for Mass on weekdays, baptisms, weddings, funerals, Eucharistic exposition for 1–2 hours, and prayer during the day. Sunday Masses remain suspended.

Safety Protocol

Please review the SAFETY PROTOCOL and if you have any symptoms, compromising health conditions, or feel uneasy coming back to the parish, please stay home.


Stay Connected With Us!



Connect with us on Facebook for daily updates and resources to practice your faith while at home!



Join our Sunday mass from the safety of your home during our live streamed mass on Sunday at 10 a.m. in English and 12 p.m. in Spanish!


Giving Together

We know these are very trying times, but please remember to keep our beloved church in your scope of expenses, according to your possibilities. Here, our bills have not stopped either.

Your support is what keeps our parish functioning. We believe our generous Lord Jesus will not let us go without. Just as He saw and honored the gifting of the widow, He too honors our heartā€™s generosity always and everywhere, and gives us back more than we can imagine.

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